The PS 58 Carroll Kids Afterschool Program is a fun, safe, enriching part of our school community for all PS 58 students.
For aftercare questions, please email carrollkids@ps58pta.org. For enrichment class questions, please email carolynP@ps58pta.org.
Carroll Kids Afterschool Program has two parts:
We offer a variety of flexible options for childcare that range from monthly, full days to partial day options to drop ins. We also provide convenient aftercare for any gap between the end of the school day and an Enrichment Class, as well as coverage options on half-days of school and school non-attendance days.
Enrichment Classes
You will find a wide range of classes for K–5th Graders, taught by our teachers as well as outside partners, covering a variety of interests. Classes are held once a week from 2:30pm until 4:00pm. We have three sessions each year: Fall, Winter, and Spring (except for our full year Piano and Guitar programs).
To register for any Carroll Kids Afterschool Programs, please make sure to create an account in our Parent Portal. The portal allows you to access and update your account, view your current schedule and fees, and add classes during registration periods.
Financial Aid
We provide scholarship aid based on individual needs with minimal documentation. All financial aid applications are confidential. To apply for financial aid, please fill out this form. When you have completed the form, please alert us by emailing Joan Bredthauer at JBredthauer2@schools.nyc.gov and Carolyn Pravda at cpravda@ps58pta.org.
Carroll Kids Calendar
Carroll Kids, the PS 58 PTA Afterschool, is a Not-For-Profit Organization and qualifies as childcare for tax purposes. EIN: 54-2159278