
For all NYC Public School policies on student transportation, please visit the NYC Public Schools Transportation website.

How do most students get to school?

Most students at PS 58 live in our school zone and they walk to school. Some students use scooters and some families bike to school.

Who is eligible for transportation?

Curb-to-school yellow bus

Children with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Accommodations Plans that require busing receive curb-to-school transportation to and from PS 58 on a yellow mini bus with a driver and an attendant. The bus will pick the student up and drop them off at the end of the day at the closest curb to their home.

Stop-to-school yellow bus or MetroCard

Stop-to-school busing is available to eligible students who live in District 15. Eligibility depends on the grade level of the student and the distance of their home from the school. Please review transportation eligibility at the NYC Public Schools Transportation webpage. When there is no established bus route near the home of an eligible student, a student MetroCard will be provided by the school instead at the start of the semester.

Students who are not eligible for a yellow bus may be eligible for a student MetroCard, which offers three free rides each school day on NYC subways and local buses. Please see the eligibility guidelines at the NYC Public Schools Transportation webpage.

To request transportation, please inquire in the school office, or contact Parent Coordinator Joan Bredthauer.

Families in temporary housing

Students who live in temporary housing are eligible for free transportation on a yellow bus, or if no yellow bus route is available, for a student MetroCard. Parents/guardians of students in temporary housing who do not receive busing or are in the process of being routed can receive a MetroCard to accompany their child to and from school.

To request transportation for a student in temporary housing, please speak with our Students In Temporary Housing Liaison, School Social Worker Amy Alvarez.

Students in foster care

Students in foster care have the right to transportation to and from school either by MetroCard or by school bus, to and from school. Students who are final discharged from foster care are entitled to transportation to their school of origin for the remainder of the school year and for one additional year if the student will be entering the final grade in their school. The student has a right to a MetroCard if stop to school busing is not available.