Welcome to the PS 58 Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
Hello to all new and returning PS 58 families. This will likely be another challenging year and we will be working together to make it the best it can be!
You are automatically a member of the PTA, just by having a child at PS 58. We are a very active parent body and this school would look and feel very different without the PTA and your involvement. You are encouraged to attend monthly meetings: hear the Principal’s Report, review the current budget, vote on proposals and learn about upcoming events.
Fundraising is a big part of what we do. Why? NYC school budgets do not include funds for so many of the vital resources and experiences we want for our children.
PTA roles and goals:
- Build community among PS 58 families
- Communicate and partner with the PS 58 administration and teachers
- Raise funds and provide financial resources to each classroom and the school
- Volunteer our time and energy to make events happen
If you are interested in volunteering to help please fill out this form.
The PTA uses Konstella to communicate with families and to organize volunteers. Please become a member of your child or children’s class groups at www.konstella.com (external link). Get news about PTA events and fundraising and learn how to participate in and contribute to community, fund-raising, and classroom events.
Being on Konstella is a great way to get involved in the action at PS 58 right away. (If you don’t have access to email, please leave a note for the Volunteer Coordinators in their PTA mail-box in the main office and they will be in touch.) To join Konstella for the first time, wait for the invitation from your child’s Class Parent by October, or send an email to PS 58 PTA Konstella administrator, Martin Noble at vp-communications@ps58pta.org.
Please join us at monthly meetings and hear about the exciting things we are working on for this school year. Dates are posted on Konstella and here. Reminders are sent by email. Looking forward to meeting!
Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions.
Jaime Ibrahim, co-president1@ps58pta.org
Jessica Blackman, co-president2@ps58pta.org
Get involved
There are lots of ways to volunteer for the PTA, whether you have 1 hour or 20!
Learn about how to stay up-to-date on school-wide and classroom with Konstella.
Everything we do is made possible through donations from our parent community. Please do your part.