Grades 1 to 5

Enrolling for September 2024

There is no central application for grades 1-5. Families who wish to enroll should complete the “request to register” form (see link below). You may also contact Parent Coordinator Joan Bredthauer at We will begin to make offers in late May 2024 based on seat availability and enrollment priorities.

Enrollment priorities, all grades

PS 58 is a zoned school and families who live in the zone have enrollment priority. Our zone changed in September 2022. Here is the current zone map. The easiest and most accurate way to see which elementary school is your zoned school is by using the Find a School tool at the DOE website.

  • In NYC, priority for seat offers in a zoned school such as PS 58 is given to zoned children who have a brother or sister at our school.
  • Next, seats are offered to zoned applicants.
  • There is a priority for children who speak French but little or no English who apply to our French dual language program.

If space allows once students in the above categories are enrolled, those living outside the zone may also be admitted, in the following order:

  1. Students with a sibling at the school who live in the district
  2. Students with a sibling at the school who live outside the district
  3. Students who live in the district and are currently enrolled at the school for preK
  4. Students who live outside the district and are currently enrolled at the school for preK
  5. Other students who live in the district
  6. Other students who live outside the district

If you need more information, contact Parent Coordinator Joan Bredthauer at

School zone

To locate your zoned school, use the Find a School Tool at the NYC DOE website. The first school that appears in the list is the zoned school for that address.

Children who speak French fluently

Children who are applying to our French Dual Language program in grades 1 – 5 must be tested for French fluency.

Our first round of fluency verifications for September 2024 were done in person in mid June. For families moving to our area over the summer, the verification will be done in person by appointment in late August, dates to come. We will contact parents who complete our “Request to Register” form above when the sign up for appointments is open.

English Language Learners

Children who speak a language other than English will be assessed in person for eligibility for English Language Learner (ELL) services. ELL students who speak French will receive priority for open seats in our French dual language program. Students who not speak English or French may be eligible for English Language Learner status and can participate in small group work with our English as a New Language teacher specialist.